Founded in 1986, GEFI is the specialist in the field of Vacuum, Pressure and high-tech composite manhole covers, trapdoors and hatches for roadways and services channels.
Firstly, GEFI studies, designs, manufactures and sells Vacuum and Pressure systems that meet the specific needs of its customers. These systems are based on various pump technologies (liquid ring, vanes, piston, roots, side channel Blowers, etc.).
GEFI is also the exclusive distributor of the Fibrelite brand: high-tech composite manhole covers, hatches and trapdoors that replace cast iron or concrete solutions because they are very light and easy to handle while maintaining their mechanical strength.
Vacuum Pumps, Compressors and Boosters :
We operate in the industrial sector (chemicals, pharmaceuticals, food processing, aeronautics, etc.) for Vacuum applications up to 10-3 mbar and Pressure applications up to 2.4 bar absolute. Our Maintenance Department carries out maintenance work on Vacuum pumps and Blowers of all makes and technologies with recognised expertise and a visual report to ensure that you have a good understanding of the condition of your equipment before repair. Discover our video in the Maintenance area!
Composite manhole covers, trapdoors and hatches :
Sales and advice on Fibrelite brand products of high reliability composite manhole covers, trapdoors and hatches in standard or custom sizes. The combination of technicality, strength, lightness, electrical safety and manageability at the service of engineering, building and public works companies for roadways and services channels.
GEFI distribue de façon exclusive la marque Fibrelite : tampons, couvercles et trappes en composite de haute technicité se substituant aux solutions en fonte ou en béton par sa très grande légèrete et maniabilité en assurant la sécurité electrique tout en conservant la tenue mécanique quelque soit la classe de résistance donnée.
_enFor over 35 years,
GEFI has stood out for its in-depth knowledge in the field ofVacuum, Pressure and composite manhole covers for roads and services channels.
GEFI is a company that is aware of the challenges of the energy transition and the green transition: we select our partners and subcontractors who implement solutions to meet the environmental challenges of tomorrow: in particular those of decarbonisation, making it possible to reduce greenhouse gases and promote a positive impact on the environment and biodiversity. This translates into :
GEFI contributes to the protection of the environment through integrated technical solutions such as: